Finalize my order

  1. Once you have added all the desired products to your cart, click on the cart icon, at the top right.
  2. You will be redirected to the "cart" page. Click on "Order" at the bottom of the page to place your order.
  3. Select your delivery and billing addresses. If you only have one address, click "next". If you have more than one address, use the arrows to open the drop-down menu and choose your option.
  4. Select the next available delivery date. If you have several available dates and you are not sure which date to choose, contact your representative.
  5. You will see a page with the summary of your order. Check the box "I declare that I have read and approved the general conditions of sale" and then click on the "Order" button to finalize your order.
  6. You will see the confirmation page "Thank you for your order!" and you will receive a confirmation email.